Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Is that really necessary?

A little note to all the people who need to eat in the middle of class:  Fucking don't.  Seriously, you can't wait 10 minutes until the break to meal on your shitty granola bar?  Has your mid-20s body not been able to adapt to the customary 3 meals a day routine?  It's not necessarily you feeding your face that annoys me; it's the slow and painful unwrapping of whatever it is you MUST immediately gorge upon in order to stay alive.  Do you need a can opener for that thing?  Let me give you a valuable life lesson:  There's no quiet way to open a bag of potato chips.  Enough with the never-ending eating train.  Wait until either the break or lunch like the rest of us considerate people.

Save it for the break, hippie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like to have my granola bars in class.